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A dynamic group of women fighting poverty through all types of enterprise



Life if hard in rural Uganda. A family is dependent on what they can grow, but the challenge is storing it for when it is needed. Each UP! Tour invests in innovative approaches to store harvest. This has dramatically stopped the village losing up to 50% of its food to vermin, mold and weevils. 

With food now available when it is needed and more to sell later when the price is higher, the community income has increased, loan repaid and reinvested. 

Every tour group sees an improvement in the strength and resilience of the group with now all the children able to go to school and get medicines when they need it. 


Every tour group sees an improvement in the strength and resilience of the group with now all the children able to go to school and get medicines when they need it. 

What's more, the February 24 Tour saw the group expanding from 5 families to over 30 and all sorts of new activities being done. These include making, soap, brushes and jewellry to sell and a new business established hiring out a tent, chairs and tables for weddings, funerasls and other community events.



Life is rural Uganda is off the radar with next to no access to affordable loans. But the enterprising Grains4Wealth Group have a solution. An informal village savings and loans scheme. It is early days and the savings are small, but its an exciting start of a new way to provide loans to Group members in time of need.

What's next

Next up is for the group to plant a communal rice garden. With all members expected to contribute some time to cultivastion and harvesting, profit will be used to invest in future group activities.

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